• Speakers at C T C - We have a great group of speakers who bless us with the message. Rob Holland : January 21 / 28 February 4 March 11 / 18 Paulo Fogaca : February 8 / 25 March 25 Rick Plett : February 11 March 4 Ben Crane : April 1
  • Men’s Breakfast - The men of our congregation invite all men to join them for breakfast at the Rocky View Hotel at 9:00 every other week starting January 3,2025. Fellowship is also on the menu.
  • Bible Studies - Bible studies will resume at the C N B C Chapel at 7:00. We will meet the last Sunday of each month. Feel free to come any time after 6:00 for meditation and prayer
  • Donations by E-transfer - We are adapting slowly to the virtual world. CTC is now able to accept your Gifts to God in the form of E-Transfers. Please use the email address : Your gift will be deposited directly into the CTC bank account, and you will receive a receipt directly .